How it works:

We are a privately held company not affiliated with any government organization. For select states, we have built processing to monitor if a personalized (aka vanity) plate number is available or not. If you would like a personalized plate that is currently not available to acquire, subscribe to our service and be notified if we detect that the plate becomes available. Please note that there is no guarantee that the plate will become available during your subscription. There is also no guarantee that you will be the first to apply for it if it does.

Links to most state DMV/BMV sites can be found on this site.

Enter email address and other required fields along with the Captcha text to verify that you are not a machine. After email address verification, a two month standard subscription (Standard Trial) will be created. You can then configure up to five license plates for monitoring for any state we support.
Registration Screen Example
Verify your email by clicking on the link in the confirmation email you receive. If you do not receive an email, check your spam and/or junk folders. Make sure to add our email address (info AT getmyplates DOT com) to your allowed/whitelisted emails.
You can change your password using Manage Options/Manage Account. If you would like to have additional protection for your account, enable two factor authentication. With two factor authentication enabled, you will receive a one time code that must be entered as part of your login process. This code may be received via email or via SMS text message (if you have added a mobile phone number to your account).
Manage Account Sample Screen
Review and accept our terms and conditions. Determine how many plates you would like to monitor and select the radio button for that plan (Basic up to 5, Premium up to 10). Hit the "Process" button to complete the payment process. For your security, you will need to enter the same email as used for registration as well as your billing address. Your credit card information is processed via Stripe and is never present or stored on our system. The line item charge on your credit card will include the text "". The paid subscription will begin AFTER your trial period ends.
Enroll Sample Screen 1 Enroll Sample Screen 2
Select the state name in the drop down & enter the characters (letters/numbers) for the plate you want. Hit the "Save" button when done. If everything has saved ok you will see a green box "success" message. The system will begin checking plate availability during the next processing cycle. Change the monitored plate(s) whenever you want. You CAN monitor plates for different states. Monitor for you and a friend or relative!
Manage License Plates Sample Screen
States currently coded and active include:
Florida (FL)
Hawaii (HI)
Iowa (IA)
Kansas (KS)
Kentucky (KY)
Louisiana (LA)
Ohio (OH)
Oregon (OR)
Pennsylvania (PA)
Texas (TX)
Virginia (VA)
Washington (WA)
West Virginia (WV)

Is your state missing from the list? We may have already looked into it. Check the "States not available" list. If it isn't there either, contact us to let us know. We continue to work on offering additional states and can prioritize to your needs.

If a state is not in the "Available States" list, it likely means we are continuing to evaluate the BMV/DMV site for inclusion with our monitoring.

States which we have evaluated and do not feel that we will be able to offer monitoring for include:

Alabama (AL) - public search access removed with MyDMV implementation (was available for monitor until December 11, 2023)
Arizona (AZ) - sign on required (was available for monitor until March 2022)
Arkansas (AR) - VIN and current plate required (was available for monitor until November 11, 2022)
California (CA) - online search available, appears to block automated queries
Colorado (CO) - does not appear to offer online search
Connecticut (CT) - requires user to have existing CT vehicle registration
Georgia (GA) - employs captcha
Idaho (ID) - sign on required (was available for monitor until October 2020)
Indiana (IN) - sign on required
Illinois (IL) - as of June 2022 site appears to be blocking automated queries
Georgia (GA) - employs captcha
Nevada (NV) - employs captcha
North Carolina (NC) - sign on required
New Hampshire (NH) - was available, online search still available but appears to block automated queries
Massachusetts (MA) - requires state id/use of capctha (was available for monitor until November 9, 2019)
Maine (ME) - employs captcha
Michigan (MI) - requires state id/use of capctha (was available for monitor until March 2021)
Minnesota (MN) - does not appear to offer online search
Mississippi (MS) - sign on required
Montana (MT) - does not appear to offer online search
Nebraska (NE) - employs captcha
New Jersey (NJ) - requires state issued sign on credentials
New Mexico (NM) - requires user to have existing NM vehicle registration
New York (NY) - site blocks automated search (was available until April 2021), pending further research
Oklahoma (OK) - does not appear to offer online search
South Carolina (SC) - does not appear to offer online search
Tennessee (TN) - does not appear to offer online search
Utah (UT) - requires user to have existing UT vehicle registration
Washington, D.C. (DC) - site very limited for searches
Wisconsin (WI) - employs captcha

If your state is in the above list, please consider contacting your state BMV/DMV or your local state elected represenative to request that the ability to inquire about available personalized license plates be open and freely accessible to the public without signon or other requirements.

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